In the vibrant era of Elizabethan England, renowned figures emerged, shaping the cultural, scientific, and political landscape of the time. Among them, an enigmatic character named John Dee gained notoriety for his wide-ranging knowledge and mystical pursuits. Dee’s expertise in various disciplines, including astrology, alchemy, and divination, caught the attention of Queen Elizabeth I, who sought his counsel on numerous occasions. Rumors abound that the Queen engaged Dee as a medium and scryer, employing his talents to glimpse into the future. This article explores the intriguing relationship between Queen Elizabeth I and John Dee, shedding light on their potential collaborations and the impact they had on the realm.

John Dee: Scholar and Occultist:

Born in 1527, John Dee was a renowned mathematician, astronomer, and occult philosopher of his time. He possessed a voracious appetite for knowledge, delving into various esoteric studies. Dee’s fascination with the supernatural and his belief in its influence on earthly affairs led him to develop expertise in divination and scrying. Scrying, a method of perceiving hidden knowledge or future events through a medium, often involved gazing into reflective surfaces like crystals, mirrors, or pools of water.

The Encounter with Queen Elizabeth I:

Dee’s exceptional intellect and reputation as a scholar reached the ears of Queen Elizabeth I, who invited him to court in the late 1550s. The Queen was known for her interest in the mystical and her desire to maintain a firm grip on her destiny and that of the realm. It is believed that during their initial meeting, Elizabeth was captivated by Dee’s profound insights and predictions. Recognizing his potential as a conduit to the supernatural, the Queen sought his assistance in navigating the intricate web of politics and the uncertain future that lay ahead.

The Medium and the Monarch:

As the Queen’s interest in the occult deepened, Dee became a trusted advisor, providing her with strategic counsel influenced by his mystical practices. While no concrete evidence exists to confirm that Dee engaged in scrying sessions specifically for the Queen, historical accounts and personal letters suggest a collaboration centered on divination and astrology.

The Royal Horoscope:

Dee’s expertise in astrology played a significant role in shaping Elizabeth’s actions. Astrological predictions were consulted to determine propitious dates for coronations, diplomatic negotiations, and military campaigns. Dee’s knowledge of celestial movements and their influence on human affairs allowed him to guide the Queen in making crucial decisions. His calculations and interpretations of celestial alignments likely influenced the timing and outcomes of various royal endeavors, adding an esoteric dimension

The Crystal Ball Connection:

While scrying sessions conducted by John Dee specifically for Queen Elizabeth I are not extensively documented, it is believed that Dee’s expertise in divination and scrying might have been utilized to gain insights into the future. Scrying involves entering a trance-like state and gazing into a crystal ball, mirror, or other reflective surfaces to perceive hidden truths or upcoming events. Such practices were not uncommon during the Elizabethan era, as many believed that the supernatural realm held answers that could guide important decisions.

It is plausible that Dee, with his profound knowledge of the occult and divination techniques, provided scrying sessions for the Queen on occasions when she sought a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead. Whether Dee personally conducted these sessions or trained trusted individuals in the art of scrying is a matter of speculation. However, it is widely accepted that the Queen valued Dee’s insights gained through these mystical practices.

The Legacy of the Queen and John Dee’s Collaboration:

The collaboration between Queen Elizabeth I and John Dee left an indelible mark on the history of Elizabethan England. Dee’s influence extended beyond the realm of divination, as he was involved in matters of espionage, navigation, and the colonization of the New World. His exploration of the esoteric arts and his pursuit of knowledge contributed to the intellectual climate of the time and influenced subsequent generations of scholars and thinkers.

Dee’s role as a trusted advisor to the Queen helped shape her policies and decisions. His contributions to astrology and divination lent a mystical aura to the reign of Elizabeth I, further enhancing her image as a powerful and visionary ruler. The Queen’s reliance on Dee’s counsel demonstrated her openness to unconventional methods and her understanding that a ruler must navigate both the visible and invisible realms to secure her position.


The Queen and John Dee’s relationship was one of intrigue and intellectual exploration. While the precise extent of their collaboration in scrying and divination remains elusive, there is no doubt that Dee’s expertise in the occult and his guidance played a significant role in shaping the Queen’s actions and decisions. Their partnership highlights the fascination with the supernatural during the Elizabethan era and underscores the Queen’s desire to control her destiny and secure the prosperity of her realm. The legacy of Queen Elizabeth I and John Dee’s collaboration endures as a testament to the interplay between politics, mysticism, and the pursuit of knowledge in one of history’s most remarkable periods.

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