Big Platforms and the Erosion of Freedom of Expression


In an era dominated by digital communication, big platforms wield unprecedented influence over the dissemination of information. While these platforms serve as powerful conduits for free expression, a growing concern emerges as instances of publication censorship become more prevalent.

This little article delves into the threats and dangers posed by the censorship practices of major platforms, exploring the implications for freedom of expression and the diversity of voices in the digital landscape.

The Dominance of Big Platforms:

The digital realm is largely shaped by a handful of major platforms that control the flow of information. Companies such as social media giants, search engines, and content hosting services have become gatekeepers, exerting significant control over what content reaches the public.

Censorship Practices:

Big platforms often engage in content moderation to maintain community standards and comply with legal regulations. However, concerns arise when these practices extend beyond the removal of illegal or harmful content to encompass subjective judgments that stifle diverse perspectives and dissenting opinions.

Impact on Freedom of Expression:

The suppression of certain viewpoints on major platforms poses a direct threat to freedom of expression. As these platforms become primary sources of information for a vast audience, the exclusion of specific narratives can result in a skewed representation of reality and limit the public’s access to diverse opinions.

Algorithmic Bias and Lack of Transparency:

The algorithms employed by big platforms to curate content often face scrutiny for inherent biases. The lack of transparency in these algorithms raises concerns about how decisions are made regarding content visibility, potentially reinforcing existing power structures and silencing marginalized voices.

Monopoly and Limited Alternatives:

The dominance of a few major platforms creates a digital landscape where alternatives struggle to gain traction. This lack of competition exacerbates the impact of censorship, as individuals and content creators may find their voices marginalized without viable alternatives to reach a wide audience.

Chilling Effect on Innovation:

Fear of censorship can have a chilling effect on innovation and creativity. Content creators may self-censor to avoid potential repercussions, hindering the free exchange of ideas that is crucial for societal progress.

Potential for Abuse of Power:

As big platforms exercise more control over what is permissible online, concerns about the potential for abuse of power arise. The arbitrary removal of content and de-platforming of individuals without clear guidelines or due process raises questions about accountability.

Navigating the Balance:

Achieving a balance between safeguarding against harmful content and preserving freedom of expression is a complex challenge. Striking this balance requires transparent and accountable content moderation policies that respect the principles of open discourse.


The threat and dangers of publication censorship by big platforms are significant, jeopardizing the foundations of free expression in the digital age. As we grapple with these challenges, it becomes imperative for society to engage in critical discussions about the role and responsibilities of major platforms, advocate for transparency, and explore innovative solutions that preserve the richness of diverse voices in the digital landscape. The future of an open and inclusive online space depends on our collective commitment to upholding the principles of free expression.


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